

ZendCon: Day Two (Nov. 1)

Well, today was day two. Highlights included Ilia’s talk on caching (clever use of output buffering, 404 error handlers, and register_shutdown_function()) and Wez’s talk on PDO. OmniTI’s happy hour was cool, along with the…uhh…very unique “Pirates By The Pool” reception from IBM. A good day overall! I’m definitely excited to dig into PDO…I’ll never have to write a database abstraction layer again! Woo! The group from #phpc is downstairs in the bar hanging out, but the karaoke’s SO bad…I may have to skip it if the karaoke persists much later. :)

ZendCon: Day One (Oct. 31)

Welp, day one of the Zend PHP Conference has come to a close. I met some new people today, including a handful of people from #phpc! It’s nice to be able to put faces with names when meeting people in IRC channels and such. Highlights thus far include Zeev and Andi’s state of the union, Eli White’s (of Digg.com fame) talk on scaling, the chicken wings at the reception, and just all around great talks.

See you at ZendCon!

Just a reminder that I’ll be at the Zend PHP Conference in San Jose, CA from the evening of October 30th, departing the afternoon of November 2nd. Schematic, my great employer, is sending me along with a handful of other Schematic employees from the various offices, so we’ll have a decent presence there. I’m also planning to take my Zend PHP 5 Certification exam (and pass it) while I’m there, so I’ll come back as a Zend Certified Engineer…rock on.

WordPress switcher

I wasn’t thrilled with Blogger.com, so I switched to WordPress tonight. Not too shabby thus far; grabbed a checkout from their Subversion trunk for the latest and greatest. We’ll see how this goes…

Finally...an oasis in the desert...

During a Google search, I found that a Chick-Fil-A exists in NYU’s Weinstein Food Court. Said food court just so happens to be about three blocks down from my office, so I just took a walk down there. I was able to get in no problemo being that I’m not an NYU student. I grabbed my sandwich, paid in cash and walked on out! This is a great day for New York City, my friends. I suspect that there are thousands of other CFA lovers around New York City who are unaware of this location. While it’s not ideal, it’s at least something. Now if CFA would just bring some restaurants to the general public.